Hi! Welcome :) I'm Julia. I've been a practicing designer since 2010. My first (self-proclaimed) fine art masterpiece was a finger painting series in pre-school. The adobe creative suite is more my first language than English, and I geek out about marketing strategy tactics. 
As an artist, I’ve always been curious—curious about what might happen if I mixed two mediums together, or how colors and shapes interact to illicit feeling from a viewer. Art and design go hand-in-hand with communication and presenting information in a unique way.
As a creative consultant, I am able to merge my passion for art & design with my desire to foster communication through visual means. By leveraging my design background to create successful business outcomes for my clients, I create engaging content that speaks to a viewer in unique and powerful ways.
Art is about engagement—it draws you in and makes you feel something. Good marketing should do the same.
I believe in creating content that makes people feel.
Whether it’s a multi-platform marketing campaign or a single instagram post, a viewer should walk away feeling like they just had an encounter with something unique—something that makes them think.
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